María Ugarte from Red de Observadores Ciudadanos AC (ROC), will share her vision of responsible tourism for the recovery of the industry and tourist destinations.
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Lawyer, founder of the first citizen observatory on environmental care in Bahía de la Paz BCS, with the mission of stopping illegal fishing and publicizing current regulations through cooperation between civil society, authorities and government orders involved in fishing activities and exploitation of Protected Natural Areas (ANP).
In 2015, the publication in the DOF achieved the specific prohibition of the use of hawaiians together with an air compressor, better known as hookah, for scale fishing within the NOM -064SAG / PESC / SEMARNAT-2013 for all waters of the coastlines of the Mexican Republic.
Co-founder of the initiative Parallel28 which, through the campaign “Se Buscan Héroes“, raises resources to strengthen watch within the ANPs of the Gulf of California.