Satisfaction survey

It was a pleasure to be with you at this edition of ATMEX. In order to evaluate our performance and find areas of opportunity that allow us to improve the planning and execution of the following editions. Thank you for helping us complete the following satisfaction survey:

2024 Satisfaction Survey
Indicate the tourism products that your organization offers:

Select from 1 to 3 your main objectives when attending ATMEX

What strategic activities did you carry out to attend ATMEX?

Business appointments

Did you use the Platform?

How would you evaluate the following specific aspects of the Platform?

Event organization

Did you participate in a one-day adventure?

One Day Adventures

Si participaste en alguna aventura de un día favor de contestar esta sección. En caso que no hayas participado dejar en blanco.
Did you join a FAM Trip?

Fam Trips

Si participaste en FAM Trip favor de contestar esta sección. En caso que no hayas participado dejar en blanco.
Will the company you represent participate in the next edition?

Testimonials (optional)

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