Proyectos de Ecoturismo Comunitario de la Costa de Oaxaca

The Coast of Oaxaca has a huge and important natural and cultural heritage where you can live unforgettable experiences. These community organizations give you the opportunity to learn from their knowledge, their unique gastronomy and discover their history, present throughout the coastal basin. Visit our natural areas and their biocultural heritage, where you can find jungles, wetlands and reefs that are home to an immense number of species, which ensure the continuity of the evolutionary processes of our planet and the communities that protect and conserve them. You can also dive into bioluminescent lagoons and visit sea turtle nesting beaches, where these endangered species are protected and monitored, which together with whales, crocodiles and other fantastic species, position Mexico as a Megadiverse Country. With your visit to these projects you contribute to the conservation of the biodiversity of the coastal landscapes of Oaxaca and to the well-being of the communities that live here.

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