The Marketplace: The importance of getting ready and the follow up

You only have 15 minutes to talk about your passion, the reason you wake up every day.

You have 15 minutes to summarize the work of probably a lifetime, in some short sentences that transmit exactly what you offer and why you are different from the rest.  It is not easy, it takes time, but conveying a clear mesaje makes the difference between the person you talk to remembering you when she gets back to her office, or not.  During those 15 minutes you will need to explain what makes your company unique and special without overwhelming this person with tons of information, while trying to connect with her at the same time.   And how do you manage that? Doing research! Never arrive to a meeting without knowing who are you meeting with. Who is this person, what company does he represent, and who are their clients. Having this information beforehand will help you to connect with this person and allow you to focus on his specific needs.  Don´t waste your time saying you are the best, the most professional…(everyone will say the same)…show specific examples of what makes you unique, or name companies you already work with.  

Those 15 minutes are gold, we know, but you also need to stop and listen.  The buyer, who also chose to meet with you, will probably have a number of questions she will want to ask you…so instead of making this meeting a monologue, allow for a conversation to flow between the two of you.  The real work starts after the meeting…remember that this is only the beginning of a relationship which needs nurturing and a thorough follow up if you really want to make business.


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