Mexico City, the city that has it all, including ecotourism, adventure and sustainability.

Imagine taking a bike ride through the flower fields in Xochimilco, enjoying a picnic in a park in Tlalpan, watching the sunrise accompanied by a cup of tea in the forests of La Magdalena Contreras, or rappelling or caving inside the Xitle volcano. All these activities are possible in Mexico City.

For example, would you like to climb a steep mountain, watch a beautiful sunset in the wetlands, taste an exquisite almond mole, or listen to the legend of corn in Nahuatl? Explore, protect and experience Mexico City’s conservation soil.

Some of the must-see experiences and destinations are: the Ethnobotanical Garden of the Bosque de Chapultepec Environmental Culture Center, kayaking through the Canals of  Xochimilco, touring the Ajolotarios, cycling through Milpa Alta, fishing  trout in Los  Dinamos, doing  mid-mountain climbing to reach the cross of El Marques in Ajusco,   or observe the flora and fauna of endemic species, such as birds and reptiles. 

All of this concentrated in nine “alcaldías” within the city that has it all, and that maintain its rural land. Where, in addition to the physical and natural characteristics they present beautiful landscapes that allow them to position themselves in the nature tourism segment, with a wide diversity of attractions, services and adventure experiences, ecotourism and rural tourism.

Visit us to experience nature in Mexico City, the City that has it all.


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