Suddenly we find ourselves in the middle of a new world, which is more like how the past world began and we never had the opportunity to how it was born. Get comfortable, have a good cup of coffee and sit down to watch the dawn of a new era, where today you are part of history.

This time you don’t have to see it in documentaries or listen to the history reconstructed by anthropologists who have helped us understand how an incredible world once existed that was hiding from us in the midst of civilization.

Talking with friends, with whom we share the same vision, this new world is going to be a better world, we have already learned the lesson of what we should not do, we already have better ideas of how we want to live a world that we do not wanted to be destroyed, but rather let’s do better every day. This desire to revitalize our spirit, taking the weekend to inspire us in a visit to a nearby place to get closer to nature, to listen to the running of the water, to enjoy the crystal-clear water, away from pollution and urban fury. This mentality of wanting to live a new adventure that energizes us when we return from our weekend trip, with our minds full of positive memories that the forest we hike, the bonfire we make, the food we enjoy during the weekend has left a positive mark in our wake. The pleasure of returning home with a sense of fulfillment, where we chat with people from a community that knows how to enjoy life at a different pace, in the midst of a surprising nature that offers peace and harmony. This is the way to see regenerative tourism. Learn about the importance of nature in the conversations that take place during that delicious meal that they prepare in the community dining room where we hold social distance and allows us to coexist between members of the community and visitors.

This sense of feeling of being part of the community, when you are only visiting, is the group of people who know how to appreciate the world in its natural way. Where knowledge is transmitted by word of mouth and we city dwellers come to discover that not all life is in a hurry and urgency. That food can be served in dishes that we can wash and not in disposable plastic, that it is possible to grow organically and that each tree that we need we have to replace and take care of so that our environment is better when we leave than when we arrive.

Today sustainability is not a Sunday word, it is the way that life has been lived in places where life is appreciated and everything we do is cared for to consider that we must make improvements to live, not in exchange for a temporary benefit that it generates countless problems ahead.

Think how you make a trip to regenerate your spirit and if you are a designer of tourist experiences, how do you make your experience of making experiences an inexhaustible source of ideas for a better world. Today we are sitting in the driver’s seat, we are all responsible for making this a better world.

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